01 02 03 Amanda in Waste-Free Land: Plastic Free Supermarket Shopping 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Plastic Free Supermarket Shopping

Being plastic free has its challenges when it comes to grocery shopping at a conventional supermarket, but fear not, it is possible!

I have found since going plastic/waste free that we no longer do large shops every few weeks, instead opting for smaller shops and one larger shop once a month at Bin Inn. This is mainly because we can't get everything plastic free from the supermarket and now have to shop around a bit.

How to Shop Plastic Free at a Conventional Supermarket:

Typical grocery shop from Pak n Save
  1. Fruit and Veges- I avoid prepackaged items and purchase the loose items, either leaving them loose or packing in a mesh bag. Pak n Save & New World sell loose salad mix, they once had loose spinach as well, but it was gone the following week to my disappointment (hint hint Pak n Save).
  2. Seeds, Nuts, Dried Fruit, Lollies- All from the bulk section! I use either cloth/mesh bags or reused Zip bags.
  3. Bread- Straight from the bakery section and in to a cloth bag or pillow case. Pak n Save has paper bags available to use (although paper bags have their environmental issues too...), be careful as Countdown's paper bags have plastic windows!
  4. Chocolate- I buy Whittaker's as it is paper/cardboard or any paper and foil chocolate (recyclable). 
  5. Dairy- I have not found any plastic free milk that doesn't require an hour drive. Unfortunately this is one of the remaining plastic items I purchase. We use milk for making cheese and yogurt. 
  6. Cat Food- Poor Riley has to have the cheap kibble as the expensive stuff is plastic wrapped. We alternate between Bin Inn biscuits and the cardboard boxed biscuits from the supermarket. Riley has a motive to hunt rats & mice (he knows he is not allowed birds) and gets any leftover meat and eggs to make up for his nutrients and protein. 
  7. Meat- We don't buy this often as I am not a meat eater. I asked at the butcher section of Pak n Save to get some meat straight in an old container but I was told no, it has to be in a plastic bag due to hygiene reasons. After some explaining we compromised and got it wrapped in paper and then put it in the container (to avoid leaks). 
  8. Flour and Sugar- I buy these either in paper bags or from Bin Inn. 
  9. Beans and Legumes- Bought in bulk. I usually buy these at Bin Inn as I can buy them in the jars I use to store.
I bring all my own bags, jars, containers and shopping bags and can quite easily avoid plastic. I also find that confidence is key when you are requesting to use your own container etc. I act like it's the most normal thing in the world and make sure I am not pressured in to plastic! If you are nervous try and go to the shops at a quieter time. Also be polite- a smile and quick explanation goes a long way!

Good luck and happy shopping!

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